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Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
Letter from Thomas Pollock to Charles Craven
Pollock, Thomas, 1654-1722
Volume 01, Pages 881-882

[From Pollock's Letter Book.]

Hond Sir

By your letter to Governor Hyde we are made and more sensible of the great and inseparable loss we have sustained by his death. For we not only find the great want of his industrious care to reduce this distracted and divided people into unity, and his indefatigable pains in carrying on the war against the Enemy, although not so effectual as he desired; but we are likely to lose our interest abroad, Especially with your Honor, but hope your pity and charity to such a poor distressed people, with the consideration of the great glory will to you that South Carolina under your administration had secured us from our barbarous enemies, saved our country, and revenged the innocent christian blood spilt by these cruel merciless heathens, will move you to finish so good a work.

I can not find words to express the great obligations we have to your Honor and the Government of South Carolina, the safety of our wives, our Children, our estates, and all that we have that is dear to us being owning to you. And as I have in some measure already represented this matter to the Lords Proprietors, shall by the next give them a full and true account of your goodness and favor towards us, and I hope of and end of this troublesome war by your means. as for making good the

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charge you have been out in this war, undoubtedly it ought to be repaid with all gratitude; but I hope your Honor, the council, and assembly will consider the distressed condition of this people. We consist only of two counties; one whereof is in a manner totally wasted and ruined by this Indian war, and the calamities attending it. The other is but little better, by supplying the wants of the other County, and by being hindred in their crops by this war. Notwithstanding which, I have great confidence our assembly, which is to meet the fourth of the next month month, will endeavour what they can to satisfy the charges of the Expedition, and can consider no other way they can be able to do it, than according to these bills of credit you take 122½ per cent, the principal to sink at the end of twelve years.

I return my harty thanks for putting in a man of so good and great a character [as] Col Moore, commander of your forces, and shall be ambitious to serve him in any thing in my power

The members of our Council being at this time so seperated that it is imposible for me to geather [them] unless should attain the sloop two or three weeks longer, but can in a manner assure you their sentiments will in nothing be contrary to what I have writ, and being and assembly is to meet the fourth of the next month, know not if the winds be favourable but your anwwer may be in before our assembly breaking, and hope by your next return to give Your Honor, Council and assembly what satisfactions we are able. We are greatly in want of ammunition, which I hope your Honor will remember by this vessel, and had it not been for those barrels of powder, twenty barrels shot twenty guns you sent to Governor Hyde we should have been quite without; all of which is sent around to our forces at Core-town fort, who attend your armies coming; and we going, by information I had from thence last week, to Catechne fort which Col. Barnwell besieged last spring; having had their scouts out before on discovery who met only with three Indians, one of whom they killed and brought in his scalp. By a letter from Governor Hunter of New York understand of no danger from the five nations of senecas, they pretending they had no hand in encouraging the Tuskaroras, and are out now against the French Indians. The Indians lately have killed one man [at] Readings fort; and to the number of about 200 of them assaulted it, but were beaten of with the loss of about five of their men, and did little damage, only burned a sloop that lay by the fort. Likewise some of them have burnt the houses upon four plantations towards the mouth of Pamtico River, and attacked Capt Jones' house, but were beat off, none killed of our people. I shall add no more; but your Honor's favourable and speedy answer will be very acceptable to—