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A Bill to Regulate the Price of All Articles
Produced, Manufactured, or Sold in This State.
Senate Bill, No. 2, Ses 1863:

Electronic Edition.

North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate

Funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services
supported the electronic publication of this title.

Text scanned (OCR) by Barry Maglaughlin
Text encoded by Allen Vaughn and Natalia Smith
First edition, 2000
ca. 15K
Academic Affairs Library, UNC-CH
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,

No copyright in the United States

Source Description:
(text) A Bill to Regulate the Price of All Articles Produced, Manufactured, or Sold in This State
3 p.
[Raleigh, N. C.]
W. W. Holden, Printer to the State

Call number VCP670 1863 (North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

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Library of Congress Subject Headings, 21st edition, 1998

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Page 1

SENATE BILL NO. 2] . . . . . [SES. 1863.

Introduced by Mr. Taylor of Chatham

W. W. Holden, Printer to the State


        SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
2 State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority
3 of the same,
That it shall not be lawful for any
4 person or persons producing, manufacturing, or selling
5 any article or articles enumerated in the schedule of prices
6 fixed by the Commissioners of the Confederate government
7 for the State of North-Carolina, to sell the same at a
8 than that fixed by the said Commissioners
9 from time to time: Provided, That the authorities of any
10 corporate city or town be authorized to increase the prices
11 fixed by said Commissioners aforesaid on agricultural
12 products, in their respective cities or towns, to an amount
13 not exceeding twenty-five per centum, if, in their opinion,
14 it be necessary to secure a sufficient supply of the necessary
15 articles of subsistence to said cities or towns.

        SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That all articles produced,
2 manufactured or sold in this State, not now or hereafter
3 embraced in said schedule, shall not be sold at a higher
4 rate, or price, than a proportionate advance on their value
5 at the commencement of the war, as compared with articles
6enumerated in said schedule; and it shall be the duty
7 the County and Corporation Courts, at their first term after
8 the passage of this act, or as soon thereafter as practicable,
9 to appoint three discreet persons, freeholder, as

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10 commissioners, whose duty it shall be as soon as practicable,
11 and from time to time as said schedule shall be
12 changed, to make out a schedule for their respective counties,
13 of all articles embraced in this bill, and to ascertain
14 and to fix the prices of the same, as herein provided;
15 which schedule and list of prices shall be posted at the
16 Court House door of said counties, and a copy filed with
17 the Clerk of said Court; and the said Courts are hereby
18 authorized to allow such compensation out of the county
19 or corporate fund to said commissioners, as they may
20 deem proper

        SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That all merchants or any
2 other person or persons selling goods, wares or merchandize
3 (whether of the product, growth, or manufacture of
4 this State or not,) at a higher rate than that specified in
5 the schedule of said Commissioners, he or she shall be
6 taxed upon every such sale the full amount for which the
7 article was sold above the price fixed by the Confederate
8 Commissioners, and that every tax payer shall be required
9 to list, on oath, the excess of price in every such sale
10 made by him or her, which shall be collected and paid
11 over as other State taxes.

        SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That in case any person
2 or persons having a surplus on hand, or more than is actually
3 necessary for the support of himself and family, and
4 refuse to sell the same as provided in this bill, it shall be
5 the duty of the Commissioners appointed by the several
6 courts as aforesaid, to press said surplus, and to sell it to
7 the poor and indigent, and to those who cannot procure
8 the said articles, at cost; and said Commissioners shall
9 faithfully account to, and make due return of, all their acts
10 and doings to every Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
11 of their, respective counties.

        SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons
2 shall send beyond the limits of this State (except by
3 special permit from the Governor) any of the articles enumerated
4 in the schedules of Confederate or County

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5 Commissioners, he she or they shall forfeit and pay the
6 same to the State, upon satisfactory evidence being adduced
7 before any County or Superior Court.

        SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in
2 full force and virtue immediately from and after its passage.