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Interviewee:Julia Peaks de-Heer
All Records for:   Julia Peaks de-Heer
Julia Peaks de-Heer, January 8, 1999. Interview K-0146.
Community Solidarity, Community Decline, and the Role of the Church in the Hopkins Street Neighborhood: Julia Peaks de-Heer describes her childhood in both Stagville and Durham, North Carolina, focusing primarily on her experiences living on Hopkins Street during the 1950s. Throughout the interview, themes of community solidarity, decline, and improvement dominate, with an emphasis on de-Heer's activities with the Greater Zion Wall Church in later years.
Interviewee: Julia Peaks de-Heer    Interviewer: Jill Hemming
Duration: 02:10:02     Annotated Excerpts: Listen to and read all 7 excerpts.