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Title: Letter from University Students to Charles Manly, January 19, 1840: Electronic Edition.
Author: University of North Carolina (1793-1962). Students
Funding from the University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill supported the electronic publication of this title.
Text transcribed by Bari Helms
Images scanned by Bari Helms
Text encoded by Amanda Page
First Edition, 2005
Size of electronic edition: ca. 9 K
Publisher: The University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

No Copyright in US

The electronic edition is a part of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill digital library, Documenting the American South.
Languages used in the text: English
Revision history:
2005-06-24, Amanda Page finished TEI/XML encoding.
Title of collection: University of North Carolina Papers (#40005), University Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Title of document: Letter from University Students to Charles Manly, January 19, 1840
Author: A number of students
Description: 2 pages, 2 page images
Note: Call number 40005 (University Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
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The text has been encoded using the recommendations for Level 5 of the TEI in Libraries Guidelines.
Originals are in the University Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
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Letter from University Students to Charles Manly , January 19, 1840
University of North Carolina (1793-1962). Students

Page 1
University of N.C. January 19th 1840

Dear Sir,

A sense of duty impels us to represent to you the disadvantages under which the University is labouring from its connection with the present Professor of Mathematics . Feeling as we necessarily do a deep interest in the University of our State, it would be a crime in us to remain silent while there is the least prospect of remeding the evil. Imbued with all the violent English prejudices and naturally of a haughty and overbearing disposition he but uses his present situation as a means of gratifying that prejudice and disposition. The student who does not servilely yield to the to the details of his insolent tyranny is at once made the victim of every species of oppression which it is in his power to use. The gross partiality which it is universally admitted he exhibits has at length become so flagrant, that justice to ourselves requires that we should take some means to obtain redress. No method is left us but a direct appeal to those to whom the immediate supervision of the Institution has been committed by the " Trustees." To openly make charges against him, would but render us still more obnoxious to his injustice. We do not ask however that he should be condemned unheard. Let an investigation of his conduct take place, and if we cannot prove that gross injustice and manifest partiality characterize his course, then we are willing to be renounced as slanderers and libelers. But until such an investigation does take

Page 2
place we cannot refrain from using every means in our power to show to the Trustees how grossly they have been deceived in the character of the man to whom the professorship of mathematics has been assigned. To point to a single instance of his gross neglect of duty, we will state that though the following paragraph was inserted in the last catalogue: viz.
"The recitations of the Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy are illustrated by experimental lectures, with an apparatus selected by the late Dr. Caldwell during a visit made by him to Europe, some years since, for that purpose." He has never in a single instance complied with it during the present Collegiate year. The Junior Class in a few days will have finished Philosophy in which they have been engaged eight months and during this time he has not given them a single experiment, though frequent requests have been made by members of the Class to him. It is of course unnecessary to consume any time in enlarging on the importance of experiments in the study of Philosophy as everyone knows that it is almost impossible to acquire any knowledge of this science without such illustrations; and the high price at which the instruments were purchased conclusively shows the estimation in which this aid to instruction was held by Dr. Caldwell . We have now stated some of the grievances under which we labour. Will a deaf ear be turned to our complaints, and are we to expect no redress for these evils? We trust not. We have a different idea of those to whose care the University of our State is entrusted.

Yours respectfully,

A number of students

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